You can’t pour from an empty cup.

Our Offerings

Access to Therapy

We want to make therapy accessible and affordable for entrepreneurs. We plan to partner with local therapists and providers to host group and individual sessions/support groups to benefit our members.


We are excited about working with our members on goal setting, business strategy, skill development, and mindset development in a low-pressure, collaborative environment.

Joy Pills

Entrepreneurs deserve joy. We deserve hobbies, and unspeakable fun times in a safe space.  We deserve time to rest our minds, heal our spirits, and enjoy the fruits of our labor.


It can be difficult to meet like minded people entrepreneurs. We are creating a space that makes it easy to meet people who understand you. You never know who you’ll meet, or what you’ll learn.

“Show me a person who never made a mistake, and I will show you a person who never did anything.”

William Rosenberg, Founder of Dunkin’ Donuts

We can’t wait to meet you.